Inspire and Impact News Series

Inspire and Impact News Series
Posted on 09/09/2024
This picture shows the SESD logo with the words "inspire and impact", interviews with Dr. Nathan Van Deusen".

Inspire and Impact SESD YouTube Channel

As part of our ongoing commitment to celebrate and acknowledge the incredible achievements within our school district, we are launching a new video series titled
Inspire and Impact.

The Inspire and Impact series will spotlight the remarkable accomplishments of our students and staff. From innovative classroom projects to exceptional student accomplishments, these videos will highlight the positive and transformative experiences happening every day in our district.

Each episode will feature stories that inspire and remind us all of the profound impact our school community has on each other and beyond. We believe that by sharing these stories, we can further strengthen our community bonds and celebrate the hard work and dedication that contribute to our students’ success. 

This session shares how our cheerleading, football, volleyball and golf team captains inspire and impact those around them. Please take a few minutes to view the video linked on our YouTube Channel.