Mental Health Resources

The links listed below consist of webpages with helpful resources on how to talk to children about mental health, warning signs, and directions on what to do if you believe they may be struggling with a mental health problem. Please reach out to one of the Social Services Coordinators or your student's School Counselor if you have a concern and would like to discuss further. 

SESD Mental Health Flyer A flyer developed by the Social Services department with warning signs for depression and suicide, crisis numbers, suggestions for what to say or not say, school contacts.


Seize The Awkward

Hayden Hurst Foundation

American Counseling Association

Pennsylvania Department of Education Resources


Love is Respect Helps to identify healthy relationships, personal safety and boundaries

Prevent Suicide PA

York County Youth Mental Health Alliance

Mental Health America Screening for parents of young children to help determine if their child's emotions, behaviors or attention might be a sign of a mental health problem. 

On Our Sleeves Webpage dedicated to helping parents talk to their children about mental health and how to best have these conversations. 

Minding Your Mind

Teen Central educational pieces on various mental health diagnoses and tools to improve behaviors and mental well-being.